Errata and notes ––
Phytoneuron 2016
Colwell, A.E.L. and G. Yatskievych.
2016. Orobanche robbinsii
(Orobanchaceae), a new species of parasitic plant from coastal California. Phytoneuron 2016-58: 1–11.
The holotype
of Orobanche robbinsii comprises 2
sheets, thus the correct citation is this:
OROBANCHE ROBBINSII Heckard ex Colwell & Yatsk., sp. nov. TYPE: USA. California.
San Francisco Co.: Parasitic on Eriophyllum staechadifolium Lag., on
small rock slides on ocean cliff near Lands End, just below Lincoln Park, San
Francisco; elev. ca. 150 ft, 13 Aug 1956, G. Thomas Robbins 3730 (holotype:
JEPS 2 sheets!; isotypes: GH!, NY!, CAS!).